The risks of Artificially Inflated Traffic and how CEQUENS AIT Protection can help



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Artificial Inflation of Traffic (AIT) poses a significant threat to enterprises, leading to substantial financial losses amounting to tens of millions of dollars annually. In just a brief six-hour period, victims of AIT can incur costs exceeding $10,000. This pervasive issue does not discriminate – no business is immune to the potential dangers posed by AIT. 

Understanding AIT 

AIT involves the generation of One-Time Password (OTP) traffic from legitimate websites and applications, orchestrated to boost revenue for unethical SMS service providers. By partnering with fraudsters, these providers utilize bots to compromise sign-up pages or other OTP-generating activities on your platform, flooding your service with a barrage of OTPs and resulting in a 0% Return on Investment (ROI). 

Implementing security measures on your sign-up page is a crucial step to mitigate the risks associated with AIT. However, fraudsters continually find ways to circumvent these measures, potentially creating additional barriers for legitimate users. CEQUENS recognizes the importance of maintaining a user-friendly interface while addressing these significant risks. The solution? CEQUENS AIT Protection. 

Introducing CEQUENS AIT Protection 

Our AIT Protection system employs advanced algorithms to constantly monitor your SMS traffic, swiftly detecting AIT patterns within minutes of an attack. This proactive approach allows the system to promptly block subsequent SMS messages that fit the identified pattern, effectively halting the attack in its tracks. Importantly, our blocking mechanism is meticulously designed to avoid obstructing legitimate traffic, ensuring that genuine users in the same country can receive their OTPs without disruption. 

We take pride in our AIT Protection system, which has successfully thwarted 100% of AIT attacks within a matter of minutes. As fraud tactics evolve, our commitment to monitoring and updating the system ensures ongoing effectiveness against emerging threats. 

To illustrate the tangible benefits of AIT Protection, we present three successful cases from previously attacked customers who adopted our solution. 

Before AIT Protection 

Incurred Loss 

After AIT Protection 

762K SMS/2 weeks 


Attack stopped after 865 SMS 

97K SMS/12 hours 


Attack stopped after 888 SMS 

75K SMS/14 hours 


Attack stopped after 136 SMS 

22K SMS/4 hours 


Attack stopped after 298 SMS 


The dangers of artificially inflated traffic are real, but with CEQUENS AIT Protection, businesses can fortify their defenses against these threats without compromising the user experience. Don't let AIT compromise your bottom line – safeguard your business with CEQUENS AIT Protection today. 

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