Marwa Abdulwahed, Operational Excellence Senior Specialist



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Meet Marwa, Operational Excellence Senior Specialist

How do you start your day? 

I usually start my day with a big cup of coffee; I drink it while I go through my emails and check for new updates if any. After that, I start planning my day and take note of any upcoming meetings.

What is it that you do exactly?

The focus of my work revolves around process design and improvement to lead, facilitate, and support cross-functional teams to perform more efficiently and cost-effectively. Another focus is compliance, which includes ensuring that our policies, processes, and procedures at CEQUENS are adhering to our applicable standards while defining and monitoring performance metrics. 

Describe the company in three words.

Agile, innovative, multicultural.

What/who inspires you inside CEQUENS? 

I'm inspired by the adaptability and the flexibility of CEQUENS, the support I get from my colleagues, and the progress we witness in the company on a daily basis.


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