How technology helps charities increase donations



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In recent years, advances in technology have made it easier for people to donate to causes they care about. This is particularly true for religious events like Ramadan, when giving to charity is an integral part of the tradition. With new ways to make donations more accessible, charities can now reach a wider audience, allowing them to better serve those in need. In this article, we’ll explore the role that technology is playing in transforming charity.

The importance of giving

Donating and giving to charities is one of the most important things we can do as a society. Charities offer essential services such as providing clean water, education, and basic necessities to those who would otherwise not have access. This brings stability and hope to millions of lives all around the world. Beyond the direct impact that donations can have on individual lives, it also helps to improve communities and societies as a whole. Charitable donations enable people in need to gain an education and learn new skills, which then allows them to reach their full potential and contribute to their community. It can also create jobs and opportunities for those in need and help to grow local economies.

Tech adoption and donations

With the increase in technology adoption, more people are turning to their smartphones or laptops to give to charities. According to a survey conducted by the World Bank, 44% of people aged 18-30 used their phones to make donations during Ramadan. This number is expected to continue to grow as the younger generation becomes increasingly comfortable using digital payment solutions.

Furthermore, the majority of people surveyed reported being more likely to give to charities during Ramadan than any other holiday. This could be attributed to the fact that charities often promote special campaigns and incentives during the holy month that encourage people to donate.

Online donations make it easier for donors to send funds directly to the organization from any location. This eliminates the need for intermediaries and increases the efficiency of donations. Additionally, when organizations use digital platforms to collect donations, they are able to track and report on the impact of their donations. This allows them to measure the success of their campaigns, understand how donors interact with their organization, and adjust ensure that their fundraising efforts are as effective as possible.

Tech adoption also offers new opportunities for nonprofits to engage with donors. Social media has allowed organizations to share stories about the impact of their work and engage potential supporters. Additionally, many organizations are using mobile apps that allow donors to make donations from their phones. These tools provide an effortless way for people to donate without having to visit a website or sign up for a mailing list.

Leveraging technology for maximum impact

Charities are turning to technology to maximize their impact. For example, many use text messaging campaigns to drive donations, others feature voice assistants to allow donors to quickly make contributions. Additionally, there has been an increased focus on creating apps and websites that allow donors to track their donations and manage their accounts easily.

Such platforms make it easier for donors to stay connected to charitable causes they care about and ensure that their donations are allocated properly. Furthermore, charities are able to collect additional data through these platforms, allowing them to better target their fundraising efforts.

Here are 5 ways organizations can use technology to promote charity:
  1. Digital payment options
    Finding new ways to pay online has helped many charities raise funds for good. Contactless payments and seamless payment platforms have proven useful in collecting millions for various causes from all over the world.
  2. Mobile applications
    Applications can help donators understand the different causes they can give money to and understand where their money goes and how it is being used through personalization features. 
  3. Artificial intelligence
    Adapting AI assistants and chatbots helps with providing users with information needed such as ways to support, locations to donate, or the current condition of the causes that matter to them.
  4. Social media
    With its direct impact on people’s lives, social media platforms are a forum for exchanging information and rallying for various causes. Additionally, they have proven to promote inspiring stories which users can donate to directly on the platforms.
  5. Virtual reality
    Charitable causes can use VR to build emotional narratives and drive support by showing a better world made possible by helping those in need.


The possibilities for using technology to make donations are only going to continue to increase, allowing charities to become increasingly efficient and effective in their operations. This is particularly true during Ramadan when many people take advantage of digital payment solutions to donate to charities and causes that are meaningful to them. As technology continues to evolve and digital payments become more accessible, we can expect donations to increase significantly, providing much-needed aid and support to those in need. With the help of charitable organizations, these digital payment solutions are revolutionizing the way people give to charity, making it easier and faster than ever before to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.


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