SMS Pumping

SMS Pumping, also known as SMS flooding, is a fraudulent practice involving the mass sending of SMS messages to inflate mobile usage statistics or generate illegitimate revenue. The messages are often sent to premium-rate numbers, contributing to higher charges for the recipient and generating revenue for the fraudsters behind the scheme.

Key aspects and implications of SMS Pumping include:

Abuse of Premium Services: SMS Pumping abuses premium-rate services by sending a high volume of messages to premium-rate numbers, resulting in increased charges for the recipient.

Revenue Generation: Fraudsters use SMS Pumping to generate revenue by exploiting premium-rate services and sharing the revenue with the operators of those services.

Privacy Invasion: SMS Pumping invades the privacy of recipients and can be distressing due to the excessive and unsolicited messages.

Regulatory Violations: SMS Pumping often violates telecommunications regulations, leading to legal consequences for those involved in the fraudulent activity.

Efforts are continually made by mobile operators and regulators to detect and prevent SMS Pumping, protecting consumers and maintaining the integrity of premium-rate services.