Real-Time Transport Protocol

Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) is a standardized protocol used for transmitting audio and video data over IP (Internet Protocol) networks. It enables real-time, end-to-end communication of multimedia streams, making it a fundamental protocol for applications like Voice over IP (VoIP), video conferencing, online gaming, and streaming media.

Key features and functionalities of RTP include:

Real-Time Transmission: RTP is designed to deliver multimedia data in real time, minimizing latency and ensuring a smooth streaming experience.

Payload Types: RTP supports various payload types, allowing it to handle different types of multimedia data, including audio, video, and other streaming content.

Synchronization and Timing: RTP includes mechanisms for synchronizing audio and video streams, ensuring proper alignment and playback coordination.

Header Format: RTP includes a header that carries essential information like sequence numbers, timestamps, and synchronization source identifiers (SSRCs), aiding in stream synchronization and management.

RTP, often used in conjunction with RTCP (Real-Time Control Protocol), forms the basis for real-time communication applications, providing the necessary protocols for delivering high-quality audio and video streams over IP networks.