Microsoft Teams Enterprise Voice

Microsoft Teams Enterprise Voice is a comprehensive communication solution provided by Microsoft, combining the functionalities of a traditional phone system with the collaboration features of Microsoft Teams. It enables users to seamlessly make and receive phone calls, conduct video meetings, share files, and collaborate with team members, all within the Microsoft Teams interface.

Key aspects and features of Microsoft Teams Enterprise Voice include:

Voice Calling: Users can make and receive phone calls directly within the Microsoft Teams application, whether it's a call to a colleague or an external number.

PSTN Connectivity: Microsoft Teams Enterprise Voice is integrated with the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), allowing for both internal and external calls.

Voicemail and Call Handling: Users have access to voicemail, call forwarding, call transfer, and other call handling features similar to a traditional phone system.

Integration with Office 365: Microsoft Teams Enterprise Voice is tightly integrated with Office 365, enabling seamless collaboration and document sharing during calls and meetings.

Video Conferencing: Users can conduct video conferences and meetings within the Microsoft Teams application, enhancing communication and collaboration.

Mobile and Desktop Apps: Microsoft Teams Enterprise Voice is accessible via desktop and mobile applications, ensuring users can communicate on-the-go.

Integration with Hardware: It can be integrated with supported hardware such as IP phones, headsets, and conference room systems to enhance the calling experience.

Microsoft Teams Enterprise Voice transforms the way businesses communicate by providing a unified platform for messaging, calling, and collaboration. It promotes efficient and seamless communication within teams and across organizations, driving productivity and enhancing collaboration.