Infusing SaaS into CPaaS: What MEA enterprises need to know



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Infusing SaaS into CPaaS: What MEA Enterprises Need to Know.

As an advocate for innovation within enterprises, here’s why VP Revenue & Operations, Hussein Malhas, stands firm on the proposition of infusing SaaS into CPaaS.

In your opinion, why is time for companies to infuse SaaS into CPaaS?

To start, this move is argued to be a 2.0 version of digital transformation, however it’s not an either/or scenario. As a company, you need both CPaaS and SaaS.

Adopting CPaaS solutions, which encompasses a multitude of real-time communication channels like SMS, Voice, and OTT channels such Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, is essential. Nevertheless, SaaS is the engine where the real magic happens. It is the enabler of the last mile solution with the customer, which ensures seamless two-way communication across all stages of the customer journey from a single source. For instance, CEQUENS's generative AI Bot seamlessly integrates with major OTT channels and enhances all points of the customer journey by efficiently handling customer inquiries and interactions. Its responsive and versatile capabilities are what set it apart.

What’s more is that SaaS offers all-encompassing solutions on a subscription basis, facilitating scalable consumption and revolutionizing the business model with its pay-as-you-go approach.

What do companies stand to gain by infusing SaaS technology into their communications?

The benefits of SaaS are several. However, if I were to give an elevator pitch that narrows it down to my personal top three reasons I would say: harmonizing and improving customer experience, simplified user interface, and enhanced security, which positively impacts customer experience and cost efficiency.

You see, SaaS is the engine that optimizes your CPaaS solutions and ultimately your customer engagement. Moreover, this practice ensures that businesses have one source of truth and one source of failure, and who doesn’t want that?

What’s interesting is that more businesses are opting for this maneuver. Today, the region is experiencing an upward trajectory in SaaS infusion, reflecting the growing demand for scalable, cost-effective solutions. Studies reveal that the MEA SaaS market is set to grow at a CAGR of over 25% between 2021 and 2026, indicating a substantial shift towards cloud-based services.

Is there such a thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to SaaS infusion?

Definitely not! When utilized correctly, SaaS’s beauty lies in its ability to cater industry-specific uses cases. 

Can you share a specific example that demonstrates the transformative impact of SaaS infusion?

My favorite kind of question! When it comes to arguing a case, anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I am fan of two things: numbers and examples, so I have come prepared!

Let’s use the BFSI sector as an example. A bank may leverage CPaaS through WhatsApp Business API for real-time messaging capabilities, enabling clients to initiate queries conveniently. This CPaaS integration seamlessly connects clients with the bank's representatives. Upon query initiation, SaaS email automation generative AI is employed, sending personalized and automated responses with options for further assistance. This SaaS solution enhances efficiency in client communication. Additionally, clients can schedule via voice calls, which seamlessly transitions to a secure SaaS-based voice communication system. After the call, SaaS email software generates follow-up emails summarizing the discussion and providing additional resources.

This integrated approach, combining CPaaS and SaaS solutions, enhances accessibility, responsiveness, and customer satisfaction while ensuring security and compliance with regulatory standards, which is crucial for this sector. 

They do say that the proof is in the pudding, so at this point I would like highlight how enhancing your CX strategy through SaaS infusion is a gamechanger. Forrester reports a 5.1x revenue growth compared to those who have not yet adopted the trend. Additionally, customers’ willingness to pay premium price for SaaS empowered services is 4.5x. The business magic does not stop there; it is reported that SaaS companies that increase user can experience profit boosts from 25% to 95%. A shining example of an industry reaping SaaS’s countless benefits would be eCommerce, whereby businesses leveraging SaaS for business communication have an average open rate of 85% and a click-through rate (CTR) of 40%, which is by all means impressive! We all know that CTR is a critical metric in digital marketing that indicates the effectiveness of campaigns in capturing audience attention and driving engagement. As a KPI, it helps measure campaign performance and guides optimization efforts to ultimately lead to conversions and closed deals.

So, is this approach a little bit scary? 

Sure, it is. Change tends to be daunting until you see the good part. The real question should be: is it worth it?

Most definitely!

Looking ahead, forecasts for the MEA region predict sustained SaaS growth, driven by technological advancements, digital transformation initiatives, and the increasing demand for remote work solutions. Enterprises in the MEA region are recognizing the value of flexible, scalable, and efficient software solutions, positioning SaaS as a catalyst for operational transformation and growth, which are two things that MEA enterprises aspire to achieve.

To further put your mind at ease, remember: as a company you are most definitely not letting go of CPaaS. Rather, you are optimizing your operations with highly customized SaaS solutions that promise enhanced security and a positive impact on ROI. 

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