What we talk about
when we talk about

A celebration of the values
that make us thrive.

Our conversations surrounding empowerment extend beyond gender equality.

We acknowledge that our ability to innovate counts on how we view the world, and what we do to change it. Since progress never stops, we are rethinking what we talk about when we talk about empowerment.

Is it time to put our trust
in Generation Z?

Or is it more about leadership,
trust, and delegation?

What do words like “community” and
“culture” mean nowadays?

Does an empowering working
environment mean remote-working
and flexible working hours?

What do words like “community” and
“culture” mean nowadays?

Does an empowering working environment mean remote-working and flexible working hours?

In this page, and for the time to come, we will be discussing all these issues. And even though we may not include everything we want to, empowerment to us is about individual thought and how we can foster the power of people to keep moving forward.

Success Stories

To start it off, we interviewed some of the female leaders of CEQUENS to talk about their roles, hurdles, and the impact they wish to leave on the company and industry.


Inclusivity is a no-brainer for us. It just feels right. At CEQUENS, we root for positive change and make sure every woman is given everything she deserves and more.

Not only does this drive our success as a business, it also helps us stick to our values as individuals. We value women as team members, leaders, mentors, and friends. That way we can ensure that we’re collectively part of the solution not the problem.

Below, we share quotes and stories by the women of CEQUENS where they reflect on their participation in tech,
and what empowerment means to them.

Empowerment is the practice of motivating yourself or others to accomplish important goals or objectives. It helps enable people to take initiative, make decisions for themselves, and solve complex problems.

Sherouk Ashraf Kamal Senior Trading Account Manager

Empowerment for me means that I know my worth! I will never stop learning, not only technical learning but I will continue to develop my personal skills.

Arwa Negm QC Engineer

For me, getting introduced to new technology and learning how to perfect work on it and receiving positive feedback on my work from my peers is empowering.

Aya Aly Senior Software Engineer Backend

Being in control of my career/life, feeling strong and confident enough to take decisions to make my life better, living the life I deserve and makes me happy and productive is empowerment.

Aya Hamed Sales Coordinator

I'm empowering my colleagues and clients by delivering CEQUENS’s brand story in a beautiful, clear, and interesting way, every time!

Christine Tharwat Art Director

Being part of an inclusive, thriving, and respectful company that supports my goals makes me feel empowered, and inspires me to empower my colleagues every day.

Dana Baradei Head of PR & Comms

To me, empowerment means giving my peers and team members credit and accountability and to encourage them to share their ideas. Empowerment is essential to succeed as a team all together.

Dominique Boulad Regional Budget Consultant

Everyday I feel particularly empowered when it comes to reaching professional goals and being able to uphold commitment to creating opportunities for women that really show how far we've come along!

Rasha Abdallah Sales Operations & Governance Manager

Empowerment to me means being the best version of myself. I do that through setting certain goals and take the necessary actions to reach these goals by navigating through my challenges and obstacles head on in a thorough and impactful way that will charge me further in my career and help me set new targets for myself.

Hania Youssef Trading Account Manager

I empower my clients by sharing valuable knowledge aimed at keeping them informed and educated about the best practices in the business.

Kesmat Al-Deeb Content Marketing Manager

My job makes me enjoy learning and helps me to be more confident in my ability to make decisions. Each day, I learn new skills and face new challenges, whichI find incredibly statisfying.

Khloud Rashed Billing Associate

Empowerment to me is having the space and the freedom to explore my parameters of thinking, planning, and executing projects for a targeted final result. The trust and feeling of belonging is what empowers me everyday to excel further.

Nermine Hegazy Events Marketing Specialist

I empower my colleagues by giving them confidence.
Confidence is the key word, if you believe in others and give them support by putting them on the right track, they will rock the world.

Marwa Taha Business Operation Manager

The trust and responsibility given to me by my team or manager to take the lead on certain tasks or initiatives combined with the opportunity to continuously learn and grow in my field and take on new challenges is empowerment!

Menna-Allah Tarek Senior Quality Control Engineer

My job gives me a sense of impact and purpose by knowing that my work is making a difference, and that I’m contributing to innovative solutions and advancements.

Moshera Mamdouh Software Architect Engineer

Being surrounded by motivated and positive people in a work environment that promotes trust and respect among all and in a place where I always feel heard and my ideas are welcome is empowering.

Marwa Abdel-Wahed Operational Excellence Senior Specialist

Empowerment means having the needed knowledge and technical background that qualify me in doing my work effectively and independently!

Nour Safwat Senior Business operations Specialist

Empowerment is motivation and confidence. I practice it by increasing my knowledge about the company and through improving my skills.

Omnia Samir Software QC & Test Automation Engineer

Giving the chance to my team to make their own decisions, innovate, think, and encourage them to take it to the next level. They need to learn to make mistakes and learn from them. A day without learning is a wasted day.

Hania Tolba VP Global Accounts, Partners & Service Desk

Believe in yourself and let others believe in you is my definition of empowerment. Always treat the people the way you want to be treated

Reham Sadek Country Manager

For me, empowerment means taking responsibility for myself and my life. It gives me the authority to fulfil not just my dreams but also of the people who are associated with me.
I practice empowerment by measuring my success and refining it at every step.

Ruhi Srivastava Head – Integrated Marketing

I'm empowered by the workplace environment at CEQUENS and its focus on continuous and rapid development because it shows a dedication to growth and innovation.

Sahar El Nashar Operational Excellence Sr. Lead

For me, Empowerment is when you reach a level where you are confident that you are able to solve problems, make suggestions, take decisions by yourself, and believe in your capabilities.

Sarah El Sabeh Senior Inside Sales

To me, empowerment means that we are all equipped and possess the same resources and privileges so that we are able to operate to the full extent of our possibilities and ambitions.

Amira Emad ChatApps - QC Squad Lead

For me, empowerment means having the autonomy and management’s confidence to be an agent of change for the greater good of the organization.

Tasyana Bouran Sr. Regional Growth & Demand Manager

Empowerment is providing understanding, guidance, and motivation to your team. My favorite part is that I always get to be available for them for support.

Yamini Shukla Routing & Quality Manager

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